Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Hurricane Sandy… Two Years Later

Hurricane Sandy… Two Years Later

The events of Octo­ber 2012  in the NY/NJ area are well known to the nation.  Hur­ri­cane sandy made land­fall and wreaked hav­oc on many towns.  Being one of the most dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed areas on the plan­et, the dam­age was in the bil­lions.  Major parts of the NY and NJ…

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Precious Metals As Currency, My Thoughts

Precious Metals As Currency, My Thoughts

I have a some­what skewed view of pre­cious met­als. I believe that in a post SHTF sit­u­a­tion peo­ple will not just turn to pre­cious met­als as cur­ren­cy.  The aver­age per­son will raid their change jar and use what­ev­er cash they have on hand to pay for goods until they run…

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Simple Preparedness Lesson — Gun Maintenance

Simple Preparedness Lesson — Gun Maintenance

Just a quick note here.  Learned a valu­able les­son about spare parts, guns, shoot­ing, etc.  I was out with my firearms instruc­tor from GAPP a cou­ple weeks ago doing some basic pis­tol train­ing.  When I start­ed using my CCW firearm, which is a Kel-Tec PF9.  I prob­a­bly…

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