Well, you no doubt have noticed a change in scenery here at the Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival Blog.  I have updat­ed the look and feel, sev­er­al images, as well as the wid­get that allows peo­ple to post to social media sites to allow oth­ers to ben­e­fit from what I post here.  This theme also allows me more con­trol over the images used and where they are used in my posts, which I was get­ting a bit annoyed with.  Next I will be mak­ing some addi­tions to the “About” page of this blog as well.

I hope you enjoy the new look and feel, and I will try to keep the blog fresh and clean so it is easy to nav­i­gate for you.  This is cer­tain­ly an evo­lu­tion, and I would like to make it a great expe­ri­ence for you the read­er as I share what I am think­ing and learn­ing.

As always, I wel­come any com­ments.  I also have thought of adding a top four or five “most pop­u­lar posts” post at the begin­ning of every month that would let you, the read­ers and con­trib­u­tors know what were the most pop­u­lar sub­jects in the pre­vi­ous month.  Per­son­al­ly, I find it inter­est­ing to watch what peo­ple are read­ing about, and it gives me ideas what to write about next.

For the record,  in order, the top four posts for July 2010 were as fol­lows:

I hope you like the new for­mat, and feel free to com­ment on any­thing you wish.