Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

My Run Down the Street, and Getting Fit as a Preparedness Goal.
This is really just a quick blurb. Recently, I have been back at the gym. It has been an interesting ride, getting back to the gym after 10 years of letting my health go. I am by no means obese, but my lung capacity and strength were minimal compared to years ago…
Cody Lundin on Newsweek on Survival

The Heirloom Experiment: Part Two, I Received My Seed Order

My Thoughts on the Bug Out Vehicle for the Suburban Survivalist
Lost In Wild Arizona With Cody Lundin
Part 1 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALUTDJlhKb8 Part 2 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_y_0yZEN‑o Part 3 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua1lUdhli8Y Part 4 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz5fEc7bq1g
DIY — Make Charcloth for your Bug Out Bag
I have not made any yet, but plan on it in short order. Charcloth looks like it is an easy way to get an ember burning so that you can start a fire… httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7uLVGrAt1M

The Heirloom Experiment: I Recently Bought Heirloom Seeds To Attempt To Grow A Garden
I didn’t go crazy on them or spend $100.00 for a cache of seeds either… I bought them off of Ebay, which may have been a mistake, but I didn’t spend more than $20.00 plus shipping on a small cache of seeds. I first want to experiment with them, see if I can grow…
Food Storage Guide
Here are two pages that list a wide variety of foods, condiments etc. and their approximate shelf life when stored at room temperature, and also when refrigerated or frozen. The web pages were archived from the North Dakota State University’s Agriculture website;…
Cody Lundin, Interview on His Book “When All Hell Breaks Loose”