I actu­al­ly have two of these.  One com­plete­ly stock and the oth­er has an AR stock on it which I am going to change out with a few 20 round mag­a­zines.  Both I bought off of GunsAmerica.com.   7.62 x 39 is a great round.  Good for hunt­ing large game, and well, tar­get shoot­ing, etc.  I can tell you I like both of them, except the AR stock on the one.  That has to get replaced with a six posi­tion stock.

Both of these are very accu­rate weapons.  I don’t shoot them as much as I would like.  I think this is a good gun to own.  They are rel­a­tive­ly inex­pen­sive.  I pro­cured both of mine for just about $300.00 — $350.00 or so each, and to me that was a bar­gain when I looked at the cost of some of the oth­er weapons on the mar­ket.  These were my first for­ay into rifles ful­fill­ing my pre­pared­ness goals.

I run Wolf ammu­ni­tion through them.  Dirty round, but they seem to do the trick.  When I clean the rifles there is a TON of residue, but nev­er get a jam.  The ammo is pret­ty inex­pen­sive as well, even though prices have gone up on all ammo this past year.

As with the Hen­ry reviews. I am not a pro­fes­sion­al gun review­er so here are a few reviews I found online to give you a heads up as to the pros and cons of the rifle: