This week I received my heir­loom seed order from my Ebay order.  Here is what was includ­ed in the pack­age.

  • A sealed mylar bag with the date the seeds were pack­aged and sealed.
  • Instruc­tions on how to store the seeds (pre­ferred method the refrig­er­a­tor or the freez­er).  I put mine in the freez­er
  • Instruc­tion sheet on how to har­vest the seeds of the plants
  • Instruc­tion sheet on how to sprout the seeds inside the home
  • A sheet instruct­ing me to go to YouTube for sprout­ing, har­vest­ing and sav­ing seed instruc­tion­al videos.

Here is list of the seeds that are in the mylar bag:

  • Man­alu­cie Toma­to (100 SEEDS)
  • Blue Lake Snap Bean (50 seeds)
  • Dark Red Kid­ney Bean great in chili (50 seeds)
  • But­ter crunch Let­tuce (400 seeds)
  • GREEN Broc­coli (200 seeds)
  • CABBAGE ALL SEASON (100 seeds)
  • LITTLE FINGERS CARROT  (300 seeds)
  • Gold­en Ban­tam Sweet Corn (50 seeds)
  • Can­taloupe Planter’s JUMBO (50 seeds)
  • Mar­ket more Cucum­ber (50 seeds)
  • Ash­ley Cucum­ber (50 seeds)
  • Egg­plant black beau­ty (50 seeds)
  • Cher­ry Belle Radish (50 seeds)
  • Spinach (50 seeds)
  • Cal­i­for­nia Won­der Bell Pep­per (Green) (50 seeds)
  • Jalapeno Pep­per (50 seeds)
  • Flori­da Giant Water­mel­on (50 huge seeds) 50 lb water­mel­ons
  • Yel­low Crook­neck Squash (50 seeds)
  • Zuc­chi­ni Black Beau­ty (50 seeds)
  • Long Red Cayenne Pep­per (50 seeds)
  • Onion (100 seeds) Fast Grow­er Tastes Great
  • Dark Red Beet (50 seeds) Great Taste
  • Ford­hook Lima Beans (50 seeds)
  • Sun­flower Seeds (50 seeds)
  • Beef­steak Toma­to (100 seeds)

Seeds I want­ed that were not in the pack­age.

  • Pump­kin
  • Broc­coli
  • Sweet Peas
  • Red Bell Pep­per
  • Soy Bean (Edamamie)
  • Pin­to Beans

Before I go pur­chas­ing more seeds, I need to make an attempt at grow­ing these.  Know­ing I am in an apart­ment, Corn may be a stretch, as some of the oth­ers, but need to give it a shot, because the price was right on the seeds.  Fall plant­i­ng sea­son is upon us, so I need to iden­ti­fy which seeds are cool weath­er hearty and can be grown into the ear­ly win­ter.