A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

SuburbanSurvivalBlog.com Now on Amazon Kindle Store

SuburbanSurvivalBlog.com Now on Amazon Kindle Store

Okay, I thought this was pret­ty cool… The SuburbanSurvivalBlog.com is now in the Ama­zon Kin­dle Store.  Click the link to get it… The down­side is that Ama­zon charges a min­i­mum of 1.99 per month for it… So, while I would love it if you down­load it to your Kin­dle,…

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Reviews of the Chinese Norinco SKS

Reviews of the Chinese Norinco SKS

I actu­al­ly have two of these.  One com­plete­ly stock and the oth­er has an AR stock on it which I am going to change out with a few 20 round mag­a­zines.  Both I bought off of GunsAmerica.com.   7.62 x 39 is a great round.  Good for hunt­ing large game, and well, tar­get…

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