Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Prepping For A Personal SHTF

Prepping For A Personal SHTF

Today I want to take the time to talk a lit­tle about some­thing I have not.  The title says it all, I think, with the excep­tion of defin­ing what a “Per­son­al SHTF” is because, well, it’s per­son­al.  In today’s econ­o­my, I think that most peo­ple might define a per­son­al…

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Saturday Videos

How To Lash a Tri­pod for Wilder­ness Sur­vival httpv://‑btbzNu4So Adam’s Ram­blings: Glenn Beck, Jon stew­art, and the Prep­pers, Equip 2 Endure httpv:// Nal­gene Mul­ti Drink and OTG Bot­tles…

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My Get Home Bag Was Stolen

Well, eight days on the road for work, a week­end of a R&R with friends, and I am exhaust­ed.  I just got home, but by the time you read this, it will be 12+ hours lat­er. By the time the plane land­ed at Newark Air­port this evening I just want­ed to be home, make some…

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Saturday Videos

Before I drop in the videos for you this morn­ing, don’t for­get to vis­it and use the 5% dis­count code “sub­ur­ban” when you order your gear from them! Note: if the videos are not play­ing or do not come up, it seems has been hav­ing issues…

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