Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Prepping For A Personal SHTF
Mom, Dad, Prepping, and Politics
Saturday Videos
How To Lash a Tripod for Wilderness Survival httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k‑btbzNu4So Adam’s Ramblings: Glenn Beck, Jon stewart, and the Preppers, Equip 2 Endure httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_3mIfjS0g0 Nalgene Multi Drink and OTG Bottles…
My Get Home Bag Was Stolen
Well, eight days on the road for work, a weekend of a R&R with friends, and I am exhausted. I just got home, but by the time you read this, it will be 12+ hours later. By the time the plane landed at Newark Airport this evening I just wanted to be home, make some…

A Safe Room For Your Home
I am not really sure this is going to apply to those of us who live in apartments. However, I may touch on that in this post. Much of what we discuss, or I write, rather, revolves around bugging out. As mentioned in a previous post, I was going to consider…

What Would You Do If Technology Failed?
Recently, I picked up the book “When Technology Fails” although I have not started reading it yet, I came across this video this morning, and wanted to share it with you. Before I even start to read When Technology Fails, I was starting to ponder, what might happen if…
Saturday Videos
The Best, Longest, Stressful Week I Have Had In A Long Time
This is going to have nothing to do with survivalism, suburban survival, or urban survival, unless you are talking about money, and we might. I am in sales, started a new job about 16 months ago, and my income basically relies on much of what I sell. To say the…

Do You Have Bug In Plans For The Workplace?
Have any of you thought about having to bug in at your workplace. Most of the time I think about bugging out with my Get Home Bag and don’t really think too much about what might happen if I have to stay in an office for a few days, or longer. A few days ago, I was…