While flip­ping though the chan­nels this evening, I came across a show called “Down­sized,” and iron­i­cal­ly to me, it was on the We chan­nel.  So here is what the show is about;

The Bruce fam­i­ly is strapped for cash and $300 short on rent.  Fear­ing evic­tion, they spring into action.  Dad Todd tries to col­lect on a debt, while mom Lau­ra secret­ly asks her par­ents for mon­ey.  Mean­while the triplets decide to go dump­ster div­ing in search of bot­tles to trade for cash.  Bai­ley is humil­i­at­ed at the gro­cery store when a pur­chase with food stamps goes awry, while Heather gets a gift that fuels a grow­ing rift between her and step sis­ter Bai­ley. (Descrip­tion tak­en from anoth­er Web­site).

So, the truth is I am not a fan of real­i­ty shows, espe­cial­ly those “Jer­sey Shore” type of shows.  That said, I watched this with some inter­est to try to under­stand oth­ers in eco­nom­ic dis­ar­ray.  There were some points where I noticed sub­tle things about demeanor, cloth­ing, jew­el­ery, etc. that were a lit­tle out of sorts for a fam­i­ly 300.00 short on rent, but I try not to judge.  I want to under­stand what oth­ers are going through, and this show seemed to offer some of that.  But what it also did, was give me a glimpse of the pain many fam­i­lies may be expe­ri­enc­ing.

All I will say, is that this show struck me.  Below is the pre­view if you are inter­est­ed.

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