A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Basic Mindset of the Urban and Suburban Survivalist

Basic Mindset of the Urban and Suburban Survivalist

Mind­set.  Why do you do what you do?  Why do you prep?  What brought you to this point?  Once you got there, how did it change you?  How did it shift your thought pat­terns?  The answers to these ques­tions and more are what may be the basis for how you are think­ing…

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Saturday Videos

First, I want to apol­o­gize for the lack of posts this week.  It is unusu­al for me not to have or to make the time to post some­thing for you, or learn some­thing for myself for that mat­ter.  I am drink­ing from a fire hose at my new job.  They threw me right in and I…

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New Job

So, I have start­ed a new job this week, and find­ing that my per­son­al time is cut short due to ramp­ing up and get­ting set­tled, etc. You might find that there are few­er than nor­mal posts this week… Posts that are com­ing, how­ev­er are: — Mind­set of the Urban and…

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