Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Arizona Immigration Law, a spirited debate on my Facebook wall.
Here is a spirited debate over the Arizona Immigration Law that ended up on my Facebook wall yesterday. A simple comment I made created a day long debate and comment thread. Read on and make your own comments…

Tornadoes and Hurricanes, feet of rain falling, what to do?
Well, my friend Shane posed an interesting question today about whether or not I am prepared for a Hurricane or Tornado. He recently had a tornado touch down 600 feet from his home. More specifically, he asked, if I have a kit for such an emergency, and what I might…

The homeless as survivalists
I was in NYC yesterday, as I often am. As I was walking to the hotel to visit a friend that was in town, I saw several homeless people as I usually do near Port Authority. Today, however, I took particular attention to them, noted what they were wearing, how they were…

My Philosophies on Bugging In vs. Bugging Out
I have a couple philosophies as I am an apartment dweller outside NYC with little space for storage, as well as a Bug Out location 100 miles from my apartment. So here are several philosophies of mine that I think might resonate with you: Bugging Out. There is NO…

Physical fitness and the survivalist; a repost from a forum that I am on
Physical fitness. Well, I have been working at getting in better physical condition over the past months. Today, I went for my first 5+ mile hike. Nine mile hike, in fact. Boy will I be in pain tomorrow. I digress. So, today, I went hiking the Appalachian trail in…

What’s in your survival library?
What is in your library of books pertaining to preparedness and survival? I am not talking the stuff we download as we find it online, but the ones that you went out and purchased to read and put on the shelf to reference every once in a while to keep up on skills or…

Bugging in or being prepared to go nowhere fast.
So along the way over the past couple of months of creating preparations for tragedy and bugging out to a fallback point, I realized that I am unprepared if I am here, and there is a weather or other issue. What am I going to do if something as simple as the power…

Bear Grylls — Urban Survival
I do not always agree with how Bear Grylls try to survive, and some of his actions are VERY dangerous to the lay person or the novice survivalist. But I thought this was a good watch. Video 1 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLJAcIlL8gc Video 2…