So I added two new books to my sur­vival library this week.  The first is “Prim­i­tive Skills and Crafts, An Out­doors­man­’s Guide to Shel­ters, Tools, Weapons, Track­ing, Sur­vival, and More”  It is to com­pli­ment my Back to Basics, and is paper­back, so it is much more portable than Back to Basics in hard cov­er.  The oth­er book is “Hawke’s Green Beret Sur­vival Man­u­al, Essen­tial Strate­gies for Shel­ter and Water, Food and Fire, Tools and Med­i­cine, Nav­i­ga­tions and Sig­nal­ing, Sur­vival Psy­chol­o­gy, and Get­ting out Alive” by Myke Hawke who is cur­rent­ly work­ing on a new pro­gram on the Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel.  This book is 630 pages in length, and is in hard cov­er, mak­ing it a bit less portable.  Looks like a wealth of infor­ma­tion, how­ev­er.