A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Car preparedness Part 2, The First Aid Kit

Car preparedness Part 2, The First Aid Kit

I always car­ry a first aid kit of some sort.  Does­n’t mat­ter where I go, camp­ing, hik­ing, in the car, in my back­pack.  always.  I have sev­er­al of them depend­ing on the activ­i­ty I am engag­ing in depends on which one I have with me.  If I am hik­ing, I car­ry a small one…

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Two new books in my survival library

So I added two new books to my sur­vival library this week.  The first is “Prim­i­tive Skills and Crafts, An Out­doors­man­’s Guide to Shel­ters, Tools, Weapons, Track­ing, Sur­vival, and More”  It is to com­pli­ment my Back to Basics, and is paper­back, so it is much more…

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The homeless as survivalists

The homeless as survivalists

I was in NYC yes­ter­day, as I often am. As I was walk­ing to the hotel to vis­it a friend that was in town, I saw sev­er­al home­less peo­ple as I usu­al­ly do near Port Author­i­ty. Today, how­ev­er, I took par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to them, not­ed what they were wear­ing, how they were…

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