Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

“What’s the Best Survival Weapon?” Over At FieldandStream.com
So, this is an article I ran across this week, from Field & Stream Magazine Online. They had one of their guys upload the article about a few survival weapons that he did some independent tests on. The Henry AR‑7, just happened to be one of them. So below is…
National Preparedness Month is September
Check it. So I don’t know how relevant this is to the readers of this blog, but maybe the information can be used to spread the word to family, friends, and neighbors. National Preparedness Month is September. Ready.gov says that National Preparedness Month is…

Protecting Your Preps by Caching Some Along Your Bug Out Routes

EMP, One of My Favorite Disruptive Disaster Subjects in the Blogsphere Again

States of Awareness, Jeff Cooper’s “Cooper Codes”
This was originally published on 05/2004 by someone else, somewhere else, and I copied and pasted it to a word document for my own personal reference. It goes into the states of awareness that I think all suburbanites should be aware of when making through their day…

Why I Write About Cooking and Food
I, like many others in our country, are VERY accustomed to just getting in the car, going to the grocery store and picking up our food for the week. Honestly, I grew up this way. While many of my friends and their families ran farms, I was a middle class kid with…

Cody Lundin Appearance at Yavapai College Q&A Parts 1 and 2
This was recorded on the evening of the last Dual Survivor of the season was aired. I thought I would share as it was just posted on Twitter by @codulundinnews Click the link to the right to check them out here: Cody Lundin Appearance at Yavapai College Q&A Part…

Reviews of the Mora Knife