Well, every­one, in an attempt to make it eas­i­er for you to find what you are look­ing for, The Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival Blog has launched our own Sur­vival Clas­si­fieds sec­tion where you can post what it is you are look­ing to sell, and where those of you (us) are look­ing to buy can browse and do so.

The Clas­si­fieds sec­tion is com­plete­ly free for you to post what it is you are look­ing to sell some of your stuff online, and com­plete­ly free to browse.  Cat­e­gories range from Water, to Bug Out Loca­tions, to Gear, to Mis­cel­la­neous.  Take the time and think about what it is you would like to sell that is just sit­ting around your house and post it online.  With over 10,000 page views a month, we are sure some­one might be look­ing for what you have to sell or to sell you some­thing you want.

They are sparse at the moment, but please feel free to place an ad for what you are look­ing for or for what you would like to sell…  The goal is to make this a pro­duc­tive spot to sell or barter with.

Feel free to review our poli­cies for post­ing as well, as we will not tol­er­ate posts which do not fit our pol­i­cy.  For exam­ple, Microsoft Soft­ware for 9.99, affil­i­ate links, etc. will be tak­en down imme­di­ate­ly.

Enjoy and I hope this ser­vice can help you find what you are look­ing for.

Here is the direct link, or you can go right to the top of the page and see the link there next to the poli­cies link.

Oh, and because this is new to us, we may run into the occa­sion­al glitch.  Please be patient while we work out any bumps in the road!  Thanks.