Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

A Fine From the TSA… I Should Have Expected It…
Remember that little post I wrote a month or so ago about my morning at Newark Airport? Well about 30 days ago, I get a letter in the mail from the TSA. What did it say you might ask? Well, they imposed a $250.00 civil penalty against me. I am assuming this paid…

DIY — Making Makeshift Shoes Out of Tires Post SHTF

Survival Gear Bargains on Craigslist
Well, this may have nothing to do with suburban survival, or survivalism as we define it in general. But, I found out tonight, my neighbor in NJ died from cancer. She was older, yes. But a very, very , very nice person. She lived with her son and his wife next door…

Do You Like Us?
Hey there, just a quick note from me, letting you know that I put up a Facebook fan page yesterday, and hoping that you “Like” us. If you do, please click here or go to the right of this page and click the like button on Facebook. I’ll be using that to announce…
Mike Rowe On on Lamb Castration, PETA, and American Labor
I particularly like this video, especially because Mike expresses his thoughts on American Labor. They parallel mine. This video is sort of humorous, but bear with it until you get to the American Labor portion. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r‑udsIV4Hmc

Storing Your Bug Out Gear in the City
Bugging In and Bugging Out Podcasts at Chip Monk
Last week the Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast had two podcasts on bugging in and bugging out. Thought I would share them here: Bugging Out: http://chipmonk.podbean.com/2010/09/20/episode-62-buggin-out/ Some interesting concepts in his thoughts on this podcast.…..
Saturday Videos
Kel-Tec SU-22: “4 Pounds of Tactical” by Nutnfancy httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMwEqnv_OzM Dave Canterbury, Pathfinder School Advanced Scout Class Documentary httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTp_PprjD_I Hand Axe Test, by Equip 2 Endure…