NOTE:  I am Updat­ing this post and the updat­ed data/files can be found here:  http://www.suburbansurvivalblog/updated-survival-library/

My Web Host is ask­ing I change where my doc­u­ments are host­ed, and am mov­ing them to anoth­er doc­u­ment host­ing ser­vice.  The new post will take some time to com­plete so please check back often…

So, by elec­tron­ic sur­vival library, I mean read­able in PDF, MS Word, or on my Kin­dle App on my iPad.  I cur­rent­ly have all my elec­tron­ic books on the iPad, net­book, my lap­top, and a cou­ple of key chain USB keys (one of which is attached to my keys).  I keep them all seg­re­gat­ed by their gen­er­al top­ics, such as, “First Aid, Knots, Ter­ror­ism, etc.”  I am slow­ly work­ing my way through read­ing all these books as a mat­ter of self edu­ca­tion.  In addi­tion to that, as I men­tioned, I keep them handy on my elec­tron­ic devices, one of which is always with me, in the event I “need” to ref­er­ence them in a pinch.  They cov­er a wide range of cat­e­gories, and some are much more com­pre­hen­sive than the oth­ers, but all are worth read­ing and perus­ing no mat­ter how sim­ple or com­pre­hen­sive…

Oh, and some of these may not be the exact doc­u­ments, as I could not upload them for down­load due to copy­right vio­la­tions, but there are many PDFs below.  Enjoy.

In no par­tic­u­lar order:

  1. Com­bat — Hand to Hand
    1. Val Riazanov’s, The Sci­ence of Bal­lis­tic Strik­ing
  2. Ener­gy
    1. Bat­tery Bank Wiring Doc­u­ment — 12 and 24 volt sys­tems
    2. Build a Gen­er­a­tor from a lawn mow­er engine doc­u­ment
    3. Build your own bio-gas gen­er­a­tor doc­u­ment
    4. Cof­fee can Toi­let Paper doc­u­ment (portable heater for your car)
    5. How to build an elec­tric­i­ty pro­duc­ing solar pan­el
    6. Home made solar cell doc­u­ment
    7. Wood­en Wind­mill Doc­u­ment
  3. Equip­ment and Gear
    1. Altoid-Box-Com­pact-Sur­vival-Kits
    2. Build Your Own Gen­er­a­tor
    3. Sharp­en­ing Small Tools
    4. Sur­vival-550-Para­cord-Bracelet
  4. Exer­cise
    1. 5BX Plan for Exer­cise Plan
  5. Fight­ing Tech­niques
    1. US Army Knife Fight­ing Tech­niques
  6. Fire
    1. How To Make Fire Sticks
  7. First Aid
    1. FM-21–11 First Aid Man­u­al
    2. Sur­vival and Aus­tere Med­i­cine
    3. Per­son­al Wilder­ness Med­ical Kit from
    4. I have sev­er­al oth­er doc­u­ments but because they are copy­writ­ten, I did not put them up here.
  8. Food and Water
    1. 2 week food stock­pile list for a fam­i­ly of four
    2. 5_dollar_a_week_food_storage_plan
    3. basic-food-stor­age-plan-for-one-year
    4. Camp­ing-Recipes
    5. Game Meats — 5.225.09 — PDF
    6. Home Made Meat Poul­try and Game Sausages
    7. How-to-Col­lect-Sur­vival-Water
    8. Pre­serv­ing-Food-Dry­ing-Fruits-And-Veg­eta­bles-Nutri­tion
    9. SmallScale-Food-Dry­ing-Tech­nolo­gies
    10. Solar Cook­er Plans
    11. Solar-Dis­til­la­tion-Water-Purifi­ca­tion
    12. Sur­vival-60-Uses-of-Vine­gar
    13. Sur­vival — Dry­ing Food­Sur­vival-Water-Purifi­ca­tion
    14. Water_EN
  9. Gar­den­ing
    1. The City Peo­ples Book Of Rais­ing Food
    2. Squan­to’s Gar­den
    3. Man­u­al of Gar­den­ing
    4. Home Veg­etable Gar­den­ing
    5. Basic Sprout­ing Guide.pdf
    6. Above_Ground_Gardens
    7. Veg­etable Gar­den­ing Ency­clo­pe­dia with Spe­cial Herb Sec­tion
    8. Inten­sive Gar­den­ing for Prof­it and Self Suf­fi­cien­cy
  10. Gen­er­al
    1. The Book of Cam­plore and Wood­craft (1920)
    2. Sur­vival 550 Para­cord Bracelet
    3. U.S. Army Spe­cial Forces — Caching Tech­niques
    4. The giga­Jack Sur­vival Sum­ma­ry
    5. LDS_Preparedness
    6. Get­ting Your House­hold in Order
    7. Frugal_Survivalist_Disaster_Preparations_for_Under_500_Dollars
    8. Emer­gency Pre­pared­ness 7 Day Sur­vival Kit
    9. Bushcraft Notes of Scout­ing & Wood­lore
    10. Fox­fire Series of Books
    11. The 10 Bushcraft Books by Robert Graves
    12. The Vil­lage Tech­nol­o­gy Hand­book
  11. Hunt­ing and Trap­ping
    1. Arrow Mak­ing
    2. Traps_and_Snares
    3. Trap­ping
    4. The Sling — For Sport and Sur­vival
    5. Home­made Traps and Snares
    6. Sur­vival Arrows
    7. Mak­ing Arrows from Shoots
    8. Game Meats
    9. Butchering_Big_Game_in_the_Field
    10. Braintanning_Deer_and_Small_Game_Hides
    11. Basic Self Nocks
    12. Camp Life in the Woods and the Tricks of Trap­ping
    13. Rag­n­er’s 10 Best Traps
  12. Knots
    1. Pio­neer­ing Knots and Lash­ings
    2. Knots, Splices, and Rope Work
  13. Locks
    1. CIA Lock Pick­ing Field Oper­a­tive Train­ing Man­u­al
  14. Med­i­cine
    1. Med­i­c­i­nal Plant Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and Use Guide (From
  15. Nav­i­ga­tion
    1. Map and Com­pass Doc­u­ment
    2. FM-325–26-Map-Reading-and-Land-Navigation
  16. Nuclear
    1. FEMA Nuclear War Sur­vival
  17. Oper­a­tions and Plan­ning
    1. Army-FM‑3–0‑Operations-Training
    2. Emer­gency Plan­ning Work­book
    3. FM-21–75-Combat Skills of the Sol­dier
    4. FM-25–4‑how-to-conduct-training-exercises
    5. FM‑3–07-Stability-Ops-and_Support-Ops
    6. FM‑3–09.31-Fire-Support-Combined-Arms-for-Commanders
    7. FM‑3–21-Stryker-Brigade-Combat-Team
    8. FM‑3–7‑NBC-Field-Handbook
    9. FM-31–70-Basic-Cold-Weather-Manual
    10. FM‑4–01.011-Unit-Movement-Operations
    11. FM‑5–103-Survivability
    12. FM‑7–85-Ranger-Unit-Operations
    13. Ready-Nation-Emer­gency-Expert-Sur­vival-Guide
  18. Self Reliance
    1. The Com­plete Book of Self Suf­fi­cien­cy by John Sey­mour
  19. Ter­ror­ism
    1. Ter­ror­ist Recog­ni­tion Hand­book, Sec­ond Edi­tion
  20. Urban Sur­vival
    1. Aus­trail­ia-Police-Acadamy-Aids-to-Sur­vival
    2. Com­bat-Sur­vival-and-Eva­sion
    3. FM‑3–06-11-Combined-Arms-Operations-in-Urban-Terrain
    4. Urban-Oper­a­tions-FM3-06
  21. Weapons
    1. CIA-Sim­ple Sab­o­tage Field Man­u­al
    2. How-to-Build-a-Spear-With-the-Hoff­man-Har­poon-Hedge­hog-Leather­works
    3. Pis­tol Marks­man­ship Train­ing Guide
    4. SKS Instruc­tion Man­u­al
    5. Sur­vival Guns
    6. TC 56  — SKS Rifle
  22. Wilder­ness Sur­vival
    1. George-Rig­gs-Sur­vival-Book
    2. Marine-Corps-Sum­mer-Sur­vival-Course
    4. Cap­tain-Dav­es-Sur­vival-Guide
    5. How_to_Dress_for_the_Cold
    6. NOAA Wind Chill Chart
    7. Out­door-Sur­vival-Guide
    8. SERE_Survival_Manual
    9. Sev­en-Sur­vival-Shel­ters-That-Could-Save-your-life
    10. Sur­vival-Skills-How-to-Build-a-Debris-Hut
    11. US Army — Sol­dier’s Hand­book for Indi­vid­ual Oper­a­tions and Sur­vival in Cold-Weath­er Areas
    12. US-ARMY-Wilder­ness-Sur­vival-FM-2176
    13. WA State Bush Sur­vival Man­u­al
    14. Wilder­ness-Sur­vival-Skills

What’s in your library?

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