Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Saturday Videos

This week, I looked for more thought pro­vok­ing videos than the stan­dard stuff from week to week… As prep­pers in the burbs of a city, I think we all for­get where stuff real­ly comes from, and some of these videos address this.  If you are think­ing about a bug out

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Wound Repair, by Shanethenurse

Wound Repair, by Shanethenurse

NOTE: Shanethenurse is a gen­tle­man I con­sid­er a friend, is a prep­per, and some­one I met on Face­book of all places well over a year ago.  We con­tin­ue to be in touch, chat from time to time, and he offered a few posts around first aid, med­i­cine, etc. since this is an…

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A Prepper Ammunition Discussion

A Prepper Ammunition Discussion

The oth­er night at din­ner we got talk­ing about ammu­ni­tion caches… We dis­cussed at a high leve what we thought every­one should have (per­son­al­ly speak­ing, of course).  One of the guys brought up JWR’s guide to ammo stor­age.  As you may or may not know, I think JWR, is…

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And Then There Was a Dinner Meeting

And Then There Was a Dinner Meeting

Last week, I had din­ner with three oth­er prep­pers.  One was new, and the two oth­ers I have been in touch with for some time.  We all live in North­ern NJ, and are con­cerned with the econ­o­my, job growth, Bug­ging In, Bug­ging Out, etc.  The con­ver­sa­tion twist­ed and turned…

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Saturday Videos

Imran Khan — Why Mus­lims Hate The Unit­ed States 1 of 2 httpv:// Imran Khan — Why Mus­lims Hate The Unit­ed States 2 of 2 httpv:// Oak­land Police Offi­cer Flash Grenades Crowd Help­ing Injuered Pro­test­er…

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