A very short post today…

So, I took it upon myself to to re-arrange my food stor­age last night, repack some of it, con­sol­i­date some of it, and just make it a bit more orga­nized.  Hon­est­ly, it is still not where I want it.  How­ev­er, I need­ed to make some space since I now have a cou­ple more months of food, and it is start­ing to take up more space.  While going though every­thing, I real­ized I was lack­ing a few things.  Most notice­ably, I am lack­ing veg­eta­bles.  I had decid­ed last year I was going to buy a dehy­dra­tor and dehy­drate var­i­ous veg­eta­bles this year, and store them… Guess what I did­n’t do?  Just the thing that I said I was going to do.  I could­n’t believe it.  I have carbs, pro­teins, etc.  But I do not have some of the vital nutri­ents that com­pli­ment the carbs and pro­teins.

Will be doing some shop­ping this week­end for veg­eta­bles and see if I can­not locate a used dehy­dra­tor to save some mon­ey on my efforts.  I dread the thought of putting one more piece of equip­ment in my apart­ment, since I still need to do a lit­tle (LOT) of reor­ga­ni­za­tion to repack much of my gear, which is start­ing to over­flow a bit ias well… Anoth­er project for the week­end…

What’s miss­ing from your preps?

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