A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Hurricane Sandy Updates via Facebook

Hey every­one, I just want to let you all know that I am mak­ing per­son­al updates about Hur­ri­cane Sandy on my face­book page and will be putting togeth­er more com­pre­hen­sive posts for the blog lat­er.  Please check out the page if you have not…

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11 Years Later

There is not much to say today.  Very sim­ply, my thoughts go out to the fam­i­lies and vic­tims of the 9/11 tragedy 11 years ago today.  I don’t real­ly have much more than that.

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Hygiene In the Field, or Bug Out Hygiene

I’ve done a lot of camp­ing this sum­mer, and with the drought, you can imag­ine it was pret­ty hot out there.  I can attest that it was.  At our camp site we cut a lot of wood, and we used much of it for the camp fire.  Those were hot days swing­ing an axe, and can say in…

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