Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
On the 2012 Presidential Election, My Personal Thoughts, More Emotional Than Not
A few thoughts on the election: I try to avoid the politics, but this morning I feel compelled to speak out. I stayed up late last evening to watch the election results in disbelief. Being a conservative. Being a person who just wants to be left alone to work and…
Hurricane Sandy Updates via Facebook
Hey everyone, I just want to let you all know that I am making personal updates about Hurricane Sandy on my facebook page and will be putting together more comprehensive posts for the blog later. Please check out the page if you have not…
My Food Storage is Changing, an update on Apartment Prepping…
Bug Out Threats, Traffic and Fuel, Part 1.5, OPSEC
11 Years Later
There is not much to say today. Very simply, my thoughts go out to the families and victims of the 9/11 tragedy 11 years ago today. I don’t really have much more than that.

My Defensive AR Course with GAPPNJ
NBC’s Revolution, Full Pilot Episode.
After 15 years of darkness, an unlikely trio sets out on a journey to save the world.
Hygiene In the Field, or Bug Out Hygiene
I’ve done a lot of camping this summer, and with the drought, you can imagine it was pretty hot out there. I can attest that it was. At our camp site we cut a lot of wood, and we used much of it for the camp fire. Those were hot days swinging an axe, and can say in…

Review of Smith’s Diamond Precision Knife Sharpening Kit
Those of you that really know me, know I cannot sharpen a knife worth a damn. I’ll get it right on one side of the blade, and on the other side mangle the angle so badly you would assume the blade is worthless afterwards, if you just give me a sharpening stone and…