Survival 49 Days

On Mon­day, I read this incred­i­ble sto­ry of a woman sur­viv­ing in the Neva­da wilder­ness:  For 49 days, Rita Chre­tien wait­ed for a mir­a­cle. Her hus­band had ven­tured off to get help three days after their mini­van got strand­ed off-road in the cold,... Read more

Black Swans, Why We Prepare

A few years ago I read a book called The Black Swan, by Nas­sim Taleb.  While the book is pri­mar­i­ly applic­a­ble to the finan­cial cri­sis (it came out before the cred­it cri­sis hit and accu­rate­ly pre­dict­ed the issues), it also applies to low... Read more