The Importance of Being Prepared

The Importance of Being Prepared

There is more snow com­ing this week­end.  Accord­ing to how the weath­er looks there might be quite a bit of snow over the next cou­ple of weeks.  Snow does not make me hap­py.  Espe­cial­ly now because the towns around me have NOT cleaned up the snow... Read more
What Your 2010 Survival Interests Were

What Your 2010 Survival Interests Were

It is real­ly more than a Top 10 List.  It start­ed out that way, but I thought it would be inter­est­ing to share some of the top cat­e­gories, pages, and down­loads viewed and searched for on the Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival Blog in 2010.  All lists are in order... Read more

The Mobile Washer

So, I just got my Mobile Wash­er.  Pri­mar­i­ly I pur­chased it for camp­ing trips next year so that I could wash the smoke and body odors out of my clothes while camp­ing for a few days, and decrease the num­ber of cloth­ing items I bring.  It looks like a... Read more