This is What We Are Up Against!

This is What We Are Up Against!

We, as prep­pers, by def­i­n­i­tion think ahead about “what if” sce­nar­ios. I grant that some peo­ple take prepar­ing to unrealistic/unlikely extremes (I high­ly doubt an alien inva­sion or a zom­bie apoc­a­lypse for exam­ple). And as prep­pers we gen­er­al­ly do... Read more

Saturday Videos

Indi­vid­ual First Aid Kit NYC / Urban EDC Kit Eco­nom­ics: Does Wealth Evap­o­rate Or Is It Trans­ferred? — Mike Mal­oney of Sce­nario Video–First spring after the crash (WROL) “Be Sure to Wave” Leather­man Review by Nut­n­fan­cy The begin­ning of... Read more