Since spring has sprung, I have been giv­ing thought to the mini gar­den that is going to inhab­it the deck on the back of my apart­ment this year.  What will I plant, how much trav­el will I have, and how much time am I going to have to tend to the con­tain­er gar­den, blah, blah, blah.

Now, let’s say that I decide to grow cher­ry toma­toes, car­rots, and a few more veg­gies and herbs.  Let’s just say the SHTF finan­cial­ly, hyper infla­tion has fol­lowed, Gas and Oil prices are through the roof.  Let’s say all this hap­pens mid to late sum­mer and the veg­eta­bles are com­ing to the point where they are ripe.  Food in the gro­cery store is through the roof, sup­plies of food are not what they used to be in the gro­cery store.  Ques­tion, if your gar­den is acces­si­ble, how would you defend against those that would feel enti­tled to your pro­vi­sions that you might like to have on your sal­ad or in your refrig­er­a­tor in a cou­ple weeks?  How would you han­dle it?  what would you do?  Inter­est­ing­ly, con­tain­er gar­dens are more for con­ve­nience I would think than actu­al­ly help­ing to feed your fam­i­ly in the sub­urbs or the city.

I can almost guar­an­tee that if there are hun­gry peo­ple around me, I would come home from work or wake up in the morn­ing to find my veg­eta­bles or the whole con­tain­ers miss­ing if there were a food short­age of any kind.  It makes me won­der or think about whether or not grow­ing the gar­den is even worth it, or a trip to the local farm­ers mar­ket for what­ev­er the veg­eta­bles are I want in my fridge.  Some might say that this is just the sign that I am not a sur­vival­ist but a “yup­pie prep­per” that does­n’t get it.  My argu­ment to that is that with every­one’s life and/or lifestyle in the ‘burbs, and for the most part, the lack of space to grow an ample gar­den, which could also make you a tar­get in an emer­gency sit­u­a­tion.  It could be sim­pler to be a con­sumer in this sit­u­a­tion and can/jar the veg­eta­bles at home ahead of time to shel­ter in with if you do not head out to your BOL and plant that large gar­den…


Don’t for­get to enter our con­test in con­junc­tion with con­test for a months’ sup­ply of emer­gency food:  Click Here to learn more