A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Sucker Punched

Sucker Punched

You’re going along in life.  Every­thing is going well.  Then *WHAM!!*  Some­thing small, sil­ly yet dev­as­tat­ing hap­pens that knocks the wind out of your sails. So it was for me the week before Thanks­giv­ing this year. The Mon­day the week before Thanks­giv­ing some­where in…

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Budget Ham Radio

Budget Ham Radio

This arti­cle is by Cameron Green, of Green Acad­e­my of Per­son­al Pro­tec­tion (GAPP). In 2003, the north­east of the Unit­ed States (as well as parts of the mid­west and Cana­da) suf­fered a severe pow­er out­age.  Traf­fic lights were not work­ing so grid­lock was ram­pant.… the…

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Are Pre-2011 Nickels Worth the Hedge?

Are Pre-2011 Nickels Worth the Hedge?

It has been argued by those in the prep­per and sur­vival com­mu­ni­ty that because nick­els (pre-2011ish) con­tain 75% cop­per and 25 % nick­el will appre­ci­ate with infla­tion and/or pre­cious met­als.  It’s been said that the price of the nick­el will go up in a post eco­nom­ic…

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