Dog runningThere is no short­age of peo­ple that are hap­py to tell you their pre­dic­tions about major dis­as­ters, or even the end of the world. Just check the head­lines on any num­ber of small blogs or the tabloids, and you will find at least a hand­ful of peo­ple at any giv­en time pre­dict­ing our demise or at least a cat­a­stroph­ic event. No seri­ous­ly, this time for sure. But do you know that there is a reli­able pre­dic­tor for cat­a­stro­phes, dis­as­ters and dam­ag­ing weath­er? Near­ly 100% reli­able and they nev­er once brag about their track record.

It has long been a piece of folk lore or an “old wives’ tale” that ani­mals can pre­dict weath­er events. Many will tell you though, it is no joke; ani­mals seem to be able to unerr­ing­ly give warn­ing sig­nals before major storms, solar flares, earth­quakes, tor­na­does and more. Even mod­ern sci­ence has spent mil­lions of dol­lars to research exact­ly how it is that ani­mals seem to be so fine-tuned to the envi­ron­ment and make such accu­rate pre­dic­tions.

First off, this is indeed sci­ence-based. There is no mag­i­cal ele­ment, and you will like­ly nev­er see a goat star­ing into a crys­tal ball. Okay, you might- but he’s prob­a­bly not actu­al­ly divin­ing the future. Actu­al­ly, the sci­ence behind ani­mals’ abil­i­ty to pre­dict weath­er is more amaz­ing than any­thing you could actu­al­ly imag­ine.

As you are well aware, weath­er doesn’t just “hap­pen”. There are con­di­tions and changes that occur with any new weath­er sys­tem or event. It just so hap­pens that our ani­mal friends are incred­i­bly in-tune with the biggest indi­ca­tors. Large scale events like earth­quakes and tidal waves take time to build up, while they are doing so they emit low-pitched vibra­tions called infra­son­ics. To humans, they sub­con­scious­ly make us ner­vous and nau­seous. Ani­mals how­ev­er, have a broad­er hear­ing spec­trum and it is believed that they inter­pret these vibra­tions as a sign of dan­ger. It is also the­o­rized that some ani­mals may feel them in their feet, adding to why they make even the largest ani­mals uneasy. What­ev­er the method, ani­mals pick up on these sig­nals and cause them to act ner­vous­ly and upset or even com­plete­ly migrate from a loca­tion. They don’t know why, but they know it isn’t safe.

The oth­er ear­ly warn­ing sign that ani­mals pick up on is pres­sure changes, either air (baro­met­ric) or water (hydro­sta­t­ic); mean­ing it affects the entire ani­mal king­dom. Typ­i­cal­ly when a storm is about to roll in, the pres­sure will drop- this includes larg­er storms like tor­na­does and hur­ri­canes as well. You will find sharks swim­ming to deep­er water for safe­ty, and sim­i­lar reac­tions from bees and oth­er ani­mals on land.

So what kind of behav­ior do you look for, what do these sig­nals cause ani­mals to do which is so telling? A few things to look out for:

  • Fly­ing Birds and Insects stop fly­ing around, or may leave the area com­plete­ly
  • Gen­er­al migra­tion to high­er ground
  • Domes­tic ani­mals (dogs and cats) go miss­ing
  • Exces­sive jump­ing from fish, or jump­ing from tra­di­tion­al­ly non-jump­ing fish (i.e. cat­fish)
  • Frogs will start croak­ing loud­er and more intent­ly right before a storm. How­ev­er, frogs will dis­ap­pear alto­geth­er before a nat­ur­al dis­as­ter
  • Chick­ens not lay­ing eggs
  • Dogs being more aggres­sive and act­ing agi­tat­ed more than usu­al
  • Unusu­al food con­sump­tion; either refus­ing food, or eat­ing every drop- any­thing out of char­ac­ter
  • Bats and oth­er noc­tur­nal ani­mals appear­ing dur­ing the day

In real­i­ty, any­thing that seems counter to an animal’s nature could be tak­en as a poten­tial sign.

What is most odd about the entire process is that humans are also able to pick up on many of these same signs; we aren’t immune to pres­sure changes or vibra­tions. As we said before, humans will have sub­con­scious reac­tions to the same stim­uli. And, ask any­one with a bad back or a bum knee if they know when rain is com­ing. The barom­e­ter drops, and the pres­sure changes on their aching joints tend to be a good sign. How­ev­er, we don’t seem to trust our instincts or know how to inter­pret them; a trait that sep­a­rates us from every oth­er ani­mal on earth. We are the only ani­mals that ignore our instincts.

This post was grate­ful­ly pro­vid­ed by James from

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