Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
DIY Ceramic Planter Heater
This was an interesting find yesterday. It is a Ceramic Planter Heater that uses a candle to heat the core which is a steel bolt, washers, and nuts, which heats three layers of ceramic planter. The ceramic is dense and hard, holds, and distributes the heat evenly.…

Cool Portable Mailbox Wood Stove

My Thoughts About a Bug Out Location
9 Unique Alternative Housing Ideas, from the Survival Spot Blog
On the heals of one of my last posts regarding BOLs, here is a unique post from the Survival Spot Blog on 9 Unique Alternative Housing Ideas.
Urban Survival, a post by M.D. Creekmore of “TheSurvivalistBlog.net
This is about 18 or so months old, but I think it holds true and wanted to share it. I read it about a year ago, and combing though TheSurvivalistBlog.net again today, I came across this post: http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/2009/01/urban-survival.html
Traveling for work, and my next post.
My Morning at Newark Airport — X‑ray Machine, Bullets, and Port Authority Police
A strange thing happened to me at Newark Airport , of all places this morning. I was up early because I had to be on a flight to Los Angeles. As I normally do when I go through Security I took off my shoes, jacket, belt, etc. I put my backpack though the X‑ray…
Building an Inexpensive Bug Out Bag System with Dave Canterbury of the Pathfinder School
So, today I want to publish several videos by Dave Canterbury of the Pathfinder School. I have a ton of Respect for Dave. His videos are informative, he is thorough, and a professional survivalist. He has a new show on the Discovery Channel as well… Part 1:…
Urban Survival Kit Videos
I subscribe to the videos by Nutnfancy on Youtube. Thought this would be good for everyone to see… He has over 600 videos, reviews, and some excellent information on the Urban Survival Kit in this video series: Part 1: Concept U.S.K.” Surviving Urban Disaster…