Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

DIY Ceramic Planter Heater

This was an inter­est­ing find yes­ter­day.  It is a Ceram­ic Planter Heater that uses a can­dle to heat the core which is a steel bolt, wash­ers, and nuts, which heats three lay­ers of ceram­ic planter.  The ceram­ic is dense and hard, holds, and dis­trib­utes the heat even­ly.…

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Cool Portable Mailbox Wood Stove

Cool Portable Mailbox Wood Stove

So I caught this on this guy’s blog today and had to share.  It is great think­ing in a sit­u­a­tion where the SHTF and you would have to impro­vise.  This is some­thing you can build, and mod­i­fy for cook­ing or heat if you need to.  I am going to build one short­ly and test…

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Building an Inexpensive Bug Out Bag System with Dave Canterbury of the Pathfinder School

So, today I want to pub­lish sev­er­al videos by Dave Can­ter­bury of the Pathfind­er School.  I have a ton of Respect for Dave.  His videos are infor­ma­tive, he is thor­ough, and a pro­fes­sion­al sur­vival­ist.  He has a new show on the Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel as well… Part 1:…

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