This is very cool.  At least I think it is, as I do quite a bit of camp­ing, and some­times bring large quan­ti­ties of water with me.

Hav­ing clean clothes is not only san­i­tary, but also good for moral.  In a post SHTF world we may be set back to prim­i­tive meth­ods of liv­ing for some time, and stay­ing clean can be a chal­lenge.  How­ev­er, in this post, I found a design for a cou­ple of post SHTF inex­pen­sive ways to do laun­dry to have clean clothes.

Click on the links to check it out here:

A pret­ty cool project to have, just in case, or if you are out camp­ing for a week, and only bring lim­it­ed cloth­ing, etc…