A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

On The Heals Of My Last Post About The AR‑7

So, I am a huge fan of the .22 long rifle.  It’s a clas­sic rifle that most every kid cuts their teeth on learn­ing how to shoot.  I earned many NRA marks­man­ship awards after learn­ing how to shoot at sum­mer camp when I was a kid.  If I remem­ber, I earned the lev­el of…

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I Raided My Bug Out Bag. A Dumb Thing To Do

So, in order to do a lit­tle camp­ing this past week­end, I raid­ed my Bug Out Bag.  Dumb thing to do.  Why you might ask.  Well, now I have to replace it.  I was in such a hur­ry on Fri­day to gath­er my stuff togeth­er, I need to re-assem­ble part of the bag, and I have to…

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