Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
DIY — Build a Barrel Smoker for your Bug Out Location
Hopefully by the end of this you will be able to build your own BBQ smoker out of some barrels. I believe this smoker is called an offset drum smoker. With it you can smoke meats and foods. It uses charcoal and fruit wood as fuel/smoke. How to build a barrel smoker…
On The Heals Of My Last Post About The AR‑7
So, I am a huge fan of the .22 long rifle. It’s a classic rifle that most every kid cuts their teeth on learning how to shoot. I earned many NRA marksmanship awards after learning how to shoot at summer camp when I was a kid. If I remember, I earned the level of…

Reviews of the Henry Survival Rifle / AR‑7
So a couple months ago I bought a Henry .22 Survival rifle. It is an interesting rifle that packs up into its own stock for storage. I’ve shot it a couple of times and have mixed feelings about it. It seems to do exactly what Henry said it would do, and the…

Survivalist Fiction — “Unintended Consequences,” by John Ross
Found this online, I’ll probably drop it into the Kindle for a read: Unintended Consequences. It is over 700 pages long and the PDF is well over 1.5MB… Enjoy.
I Raided My Bug Out Bag. A Dumb Thing To Do
So, in order to do a little camping this past weekend, I raided my Bug Out Bag. Dumb thing to do. Why you might ask. Well, now I have to replace it. I was in such a hurry on Friday to gather my stuff together, I need to re-assemble part of the bag, and I have to…
Urban Survival at the Homeless Shelter
If The Job Situation In the United States Isn’t A SHTF, I Don’t Know What Is…
DIY — Solar Water Heater for Your Bug Out Location (Parts 1 — 28) — Updated with 29+
Quite by accident, I came across video number seven of this series… I quickly found this project fascinating and had to share it with everyone… Following these words you will find 28 YouTube videos chronicling the project of building a solar water heater for a…
Staying Aware Of Your Surroundings
Whether I am in a survival situation or not I try to stay aware of my surroundings. I first became more aware of what was going on around me when I moved to NJ from PA about 10 years ago. I went from small town to big suburbs and big city as well. It was a real…