I bought a Frosts Mora Knife sev­er­al months ago, and have car­ried it in my day pack since as part of my EDC and my Trav­el Car­ry.  I car­ry it when I go camp­ing (among oth­er blades), hik­ing, etc.

Sur­vival Com­mon Sense had a good review of the Mora.  He put it through the paces, and I thought it was a good review.  If you did­n’t click on the link it s below:

Sur­vival Com­mon Sense made a good sug­ges­tion about buy­ing mul­ti­ple Frosts Mora knives for barter and caching them with preps.  Hon­est­ly, I had not thought about caching knives.  Stu­pid me, but with a price of around $15.00 each and with the qual­i­ty of this knife, I think it is cer­tain­ly worth it to have a few more of these knives.