Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
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Replenishing the Reserve Fund, and Silver
Well, as it turns out, I have been able to save a little bit of cash recently. A few dollars back in savings, paid off a credit card (two to go), and can think about replenishing my reserve cash fund. Recently I wrote about having a reserve fund in my post,…
December 7th, 1941…
Just a quick note to all, that today in 1941, the Japanese invaded Pearl Harbor and our country. Please remember the brave men and women that protected us in World War II. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VqQAf74fsE

Why Home Security Is Important As A Survivalist No Matter Where You Live.
This is a subject that I feel strongly about. It might stem from being in the home security business for a few years, seeing homes and personal lives invaded, or worse because the occupants of that particular domicile did not have a security system to help protect…
Saturday Videos
Bear Grylls Survival Knife Fail: Equip2Endure (Following my post on the reviews of the Bear Grylls knife last week) httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2‑oR4K4sVR8 Stainless Steel Stove: Failure (Last week’s Video showed him firing it up)…

Tight Budget? Get Prepared Anyway.
Everyone has money on the brain these days. I don’t care how much money you have. A forum I am sometimes active on had one young man in college just sought the advice of the members on how he can get prepared, as well as help his family and his girlfriend prepare…
What Would You Do Installment Series and Contest
I am crafting a “What Would You Do” Installment series. I would like to hear from you the reader more. This series will provide you with a simple scenario every two weeks. You will have a week to respond via a form or email, and once the contest is over, all the…

Henry AR‑7 Update, Again
So after my test of the Ammo in my Henry AR‑7 this past weekend, I emailed Henry’s customer service department with a simple question about the mis-feeding of the ammunition. To my surprise, I received an email from the CEO/President of the the company apologizing…

Ammo Update for the Henry AR‑7
I had my Henry AR‑7 Survival .22 out this past weekend to do a little target shooting. The more I use it, the more I am not sure I am happy with the front and rear site on it. The rear site is a peep hole, and I guess I may just not be used to that. But that is not…