Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Review of “Urban Survival Guide: Learn The Secrets Of Urban Survival To Keep You Alive After Man-Made Disasters, Natural Disasters, and Breakdowns In Civil Order”

Review of “Urban Survival Guide: Learn The Secrets Of Urban Survival To Keep You Alive After Man-Made Disasters, Natural Disasters, and Breakdowns In Civil Order”

There aren’t too many books I buy where you get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sit down to read them, and they are exact­ly what I was look­ing for.  How­ev­er, in David Mor­ris’s book “Urban Sur­vival Guide: Learn The Secrets Of Urban Sur­vival To Keep You Alive After Man-Made…

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Grab Paper

A post by a guest author who would like to remain anony­mous Arti­cles and videos abound that dis­cuss grab bags (aka “bug out bags”) for a SHTF event. Each varies some­what for con­tent but in gen­er­al they all men­tion tak­ing sup­plies of food, water, com­mu­ni­ca­tions,…

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I’m still here, really…

Hey every­one.  I felt com­pelled to write a quick note, since sev­er­al read­ers have emailed me this week ask­ing if I either quit writ­ing the blog or ask­ing if every­thing was okay.  I did­n’t real­ize I had such loy­al read­ers.  Thank you.  A cou­ple things are up with me…

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Egypt and Their Civil Unrest

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I am afraid it will get worse their for their cit­i­zens before it gets bet­ter… httpv:// httpv:// httpv://

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Saturday Videos

WROL-Storm & Pos­si­ble Ter­ror­ist Attack httpv:// Under­ground Sur­vival Bunker httpv:// Cold Weath­er Sur­vival Eval­u­a­tion httpv:// How to Store Water for Long Term…

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