I am look­ing around the apart­ment after being away for a week on busi­ness.  I have been think­ing I need sev­er­al more #10 cans of freeze dried foods for longer term stor­age than what I have today.  Aug­ment­ing my food stor­age is always some­thing that I am think­ing about.  In fact I have to do a bet­ter job of rotat­ing the stor­age and using what is in there today…

How­ev­er, I look around and things are start­ing to get clut­tered again.  I sup­pose I could go out to Home Depot and pur­chase some­thing for stor­age out on my deck, but that is just adding space to the prob­lem.  Not to men­tion that I do not want to start clut­ter­ing the deck.  It s some of my ther­a­peu­tic space where I can just go out­side, enjoy the weath­er, and read a book dur­ing spring, sum­mer, and fall…

I have start­ed bag­ging up sweaters I did not wear over the past two win­ters to donate, as well as oth­er cloth­ing items that just are not going to make it anoth­er sea­son.  I am now start­ing to scru­ti­nize many oth­er items in my apart­ment as well.  Not because I nec­es­sar­i­ly want to be a min­i­mal­ist, but because clut­ter is dis­tract­ing to me as well as makes me feel dis­or­ga­nized.  I have also been tak­ing a look at my shelves where I store my food, and ask­ing myself how I can bet­ter store the food on the shelves to max­i­mize the stor­age.

I also want to be sure I can “hide things in plain sight,” or ask myself “where can I store things and make them look incon­spic­u­ous?” Hav­ing a lack of space is start­ing to real­ly get to me.  Maybe it is the fact that I am get­ting a taste for spring and want to be out­side more.  Or maybe it’s the fact that I am look­ing for more open space again.

Any­one with sug­ges­tions or insight on what they have purged and real­ized they could live with­out, please feel free to com­ment.

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