Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

CCW Class with GAPPNJ and Cameron Green
I arrived early to the location where GAPP was holding the Utah and Florida CCW course, or at least I thought I was going to be early. It was 30 minutes before the class was to begin, and there were already a half dozen people waiting outside the front door to gain…
Prepper Jim’s Goals
The Business of Survival, by an Anonymous Reader
Maybe it’s a case of life imitating art. Maybe it’s just companies taking advantage of a public trend. Or, maybe it really is a wave of fear sweeping the nation. Whatever “it” is ‘survival’ today is becoming a big business! The situation isn’t merely the usual well…
Blog Down and Explaination
I received several emails over the past day asking why the blog was down… Well, it seems the Suburban Survival Blog was under what is called a Denial of Service attack or something not unlike that, slowing the server down dramatically. Unfortunately, we are not…
The High Level Plan to Preparedness
Well, after last evening’s interview with Doctor Prepper, I thought I would write up a few thoughts on planning for your preparedness goals. This will probably appeal to novice preppers, but it got me thinking about a few points of discussion around how to get the…

Prepper Jim’s Pocket EDC
Tune into Doctor Prepper Radio Monday, April 4th
Well, looks like I will be on Doctor Prepper Radio again Monday evening, April 4th. Tune in and listen to Doctor Prepper and I talk about suburban and urban prepping. There’s not going to be an agenda or format, I think, but more just bantering about our thoughts…

Thinking About Medicine and First Aid During a SHTF Event
Recently I have been giving some thought to First Aid and Medicine in the wake of the three very bad earthquakes our planet has recently seen in the past 14 or 15 months. I have been thinking about my first aid kit, is it adequate, what I know and do not know about…

Green Academy of Personal Protection, April 10th CCW Class, Phillipsburg, NJ
Just an FYI, I was chatting with Cam over at www.gappnj.com the other day, and he mentioned there is room left in the April 10th Non-Resident Utah and Florida CCW class that will be held at the Phillipsburg Pistol Club, Phillipsburg, NJ from 8:30 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.….