A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Seasonalize Your Preps

Each sea­son has its own prep­per chal­lenges and dif­fi­cul­ties. It is June so that means hur­ri­cane sea­son on the gulf coast. Even if you don’t live in a hur­ri­cane-prone area, June is also a good time to refresh your preps so they are updat­ed for both sea­son­al and shelf…

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This is What We Are Up Against!

This is What We Are Up Against!

We, as prep­pers, by def­i­n­i­tion think ahead about “what if” sce­nar­ios. I grant that some peo­ple take prepar­ing to unrealistic/unlikely extremes (I high­ly doubt an alien inva­sion or a zom­bie apoc­a­lypse for exam­ple). And as prep­pers we gen­er­al­ly do think about the well…

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Saturday Videos

Min­i­mal­ist Camp­ing Trip (Part One) httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq14wIrxT4c Min­i­mal­ist Camp­ing Trip (Part Two) httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rV47qDtwOI Prep­per Trans­porta­tion httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B‑vUzdgSurE SHTF Sur­vival Knife Review…

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Gear Review Kahr PM9

Gear Review Kahr PM9

When choos­ing a con­ceal-car­ry-weapon (CCW), I had many things to con­sid­er. 1) Con­ceal­a­bil­i­ty in typ­i­cal cloth­ing worn in Hous­ton, Texas 2) Stop­ping pow­er, includ­ing reli­a­bil­i­ty. 3) Avail­abil­i­ty and price of ammu­ni­tion, both pre and post-SHTF. 4) Bud­get — I was will­ing…

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Rice and Beans? Beans and Rice?

Rice and Beans? Beans and Rice?

Rice and beans – unques­tion­ably the top two items most often cit­ed as “must-haves” in any prep­pers pantry. Even for non-prep­pers, when dis­cus­sion of hav­ing a few extra food sup­plies on hand comes up (and this comes up a lot more these days in a great many venues)…

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