Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Gear Review, the Gerber Camp Axe

A Question of Education?

Please Welcome The Berkey Guy and Directive21 to the Suburban Survival Blog.
Please welcome The Berkey Guy of Diretive21.com to the Suburban Survival Blog family. I’ve been talking with Jeff the Berkey Guy for a couple weeks now, and has decided to help support our efforts here on the blog. Please visit Directive21.com by clicking the link…
Saturday Videos
Custom Kydex by Campfire Talk httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1BEGMjwBbs The Yankee Prepper Interview httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klEWwShWFFE Urban vs. Suburban Survival httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glEY8N-M_Uw “Navigating The Nutnfancy Project” by Nutnfancy …
“The only thing we have to fear, is…
It appears that fear is the topic of the past few weeks. And to be frank, this is probably the most important topic to face a prepper. There are several reasons: If you can make someone afraid, you can manipulate and control them. Fear is a natural part of our…

Important Lessons From the S&P Downgrade and Market Reaction.
Not even a week after the S&P downgrade of American government debt, and the financial market reaction to it, and a very clear set of lessons for preppers is emerging clearly. As the scenario unfolds more analysis can be applied and more conclusions drawn. But…

The Secret Fears of a Prepper
Pet Prepping
Awhile ago, I blogged that I was really having a difficult time prepping for my pets (one dog and two cats). This can be a major issue, especially if you have to go and quickly. This has made me think heavily about how I would ensure the survival of my pets in a SHTF…

Fears of A Prepper
(With the economic events of the past few days I feel it is important to get this though out now instead of a couple of months from now when I first planned to publish it.) I am that dreadful, blighting thing, Like rat holes to the flood. Like rust that gnaws the…