Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
Saturday Videos

Rant About the Main Stream Media, Post Hurricane Irene. Following a Post from Modern Survival Blog
This post is probably more of a rant, and you will want to read the post over at Modern Survival Blog about Hurricane Irene: Main-Stream Slams Hurricane IRENE Preppers. Honestly, I am fired up. How is it possible the main stream media say something like this? Please…
Hurricane Irene: A Preppers’ Postmortem
The storm has come and gone. Your experiences all depends on where you were at the time. Some places by me got hit hard (and are still without power as I write this). Others like my immediate area got away pretty cleanly (unless you were right on a canal). Even house…

Hurricane Irene, What I Missed, What I Didn’t, and What I Learned.

Hurricane Irene: Observations From The Front Line (Proud To Be A Prepper!)
As of writing this Hurricane Irene is forecast to hit Long Island starting mid-day tomorrow (Saturday) and last through at least Sunday evening. I’m writing and queuing this for posting on Friday since I don’t know if I’ll have power or internet when it comes.…

Gear Review — Duracell Powerpack 600
I recently purchased the Duracell Powerpack 600 (This now actually links to a new but similar product). It’s powered by a rechargeable 28AH battery and provides up to 600 watts of AC power. This device is primarily designed as and for jump-starting cars but has…
Saturday Videos
Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY Ron Paul Music Video (Entertaining) httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvuODoKjE5I NY Earthquake Commentary by Brooklyn Prepper httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou91WqIdgtM…

The Two Most Common Ways of Purifying Water Post Man Made or Natural Disaster
Purifying water in an urban or suburban environment after a natural or man-made disaster When disaster strikes, the first thing on most people’s minds is the wellbeing of their loved ones and their own personal safety. Humans are pretty resourceful creatures and can…