Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia

After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slow­ly relaunch­ing it with all the old con­tent, and writ­ing new con­tent.  It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prep­ping, and recent­ly start­ed again.  Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prep­per is now Mrs. Prep­per, and there’s the addi­tion of Baby Prep­per, too…  I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learn­ing from scratch…

Bear Grylls — Urban Survival

I do not always agree with how Bear Grylls try to sur­vive, and some of his actions are VERY dan­ger­ous to the lay per­son or the novice sur­vival­ist.  But I thought this was a good watch. Video 1 httpv:// Video 2…

Emergency Radios, Essential Gear in Your Home, Bug Out Bag, Get Home Bag, Etc.

Emergency Radios, Essential Gear in Your Home, Bug Out Bag, Get Home Bag, Etc.

UPDATE 2021:  Over the years, I have found emer­gency radios to be essen­tial lit­tle tools whether you need them in an emer­gency or not.  I used one dur­ing Hur­ri­cane Sandy to stay informed about the sur­round­ing met­ro­pol­i­tan area.  In addi­tion, pri­or to those lit­tle blue…


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