Phys­i­cal fit­ness. Well, I have been work­ing at get­ting in bet­ter phys­i­cal con­di­tion over the past months. Today, I went for my first 5+ mile hike. Nine mile hike, in fact. Boy will I be in pain tomor­row. I digress.

So, today, I went hik­ing the Appalachi­an trail in north­west­ern NJ. An area, should I be hoof­ing it to PA if in an ‘on foot’ bug out sit­u­a­tion. What did I learn?

- I learned the ter­rain is much rougher than I had expect­ed.
— I learned that with a 15lb pack on my back, I was under much more strain than I had expect­ed
— I learned that I would be mov­ing at a much slow­er pace than I thought I would, and that I may have to rethink my plan to do so on foot, if I had to.
— I learned that while my BoB has a lot of ‘essen­tials’ I may need to learn to live with­out some of them.
— I learned I am not 25 any­more (41).
— I learned that I would not be the only one hoof­ing it through the trails.
— And, I real­ized that I am more out of shape than I thought I was, but yet, have more endurance than I thought I did as well. My mus­cles in my legs after a nine mile hike are going to be killing me for the next two days. Maybe three.

The point, I need to get into MUCH bet­ter phys­i­cal shape (I hear P90X call­ing my name) and to become more famil­iar with the ter­ri­to­ry I may have to be walk­ing, and cer­tain­ly refine and replan.

I do not want to over empha­size the urgency of phys­i­cal readi­ness. I am in ‘rea­son­ably’ descent shape, but know that I could be bet­ter in bet­ter shape.