Going to Smoke a Turkey…

Going to Smoke a Turkey…

Well, I picked up a 12 pound turkey today.  Looked up a brin­ing recipe online, thawed it in water for about six or so hours, and now have it brin­ing in the refrig­er­a­tor for the next 48 hours.  This is going to be an inter­est­ing exper­i­ment, as I need... Read more

Work related travel

Well, I’ll be trav­el­ing on busi­ness this week, so my posts might be a lit­tle spot­ty, but I’ll try to remain con­sis­tent. I did pre write sev­er­al posts just for this occa­sion, so I should be okay. Look out tomor­row for my post on the con­tents of my Bug Out... Read more
Saturday Night Camping New Gear Test

Saturday Night Camping New Gear Test

So, I should put out there, that some­times when we go camp­ing it is pseu­do camp­ing, in that a friend has a 5th wheel trail­er on some prop­er­ty they own, have a well, elec­tric­i­ty pumped in, and a cou­ple of sheds with equip­ment and tools (axes, saws, etc.).... Read more