Well, the bonus fac­tor for the day is, that Dave Can­ter­bury’s book, “The Pathfind­er Sys­tem, Sur­viv­abil­i­ty for the Com­mon Man” just arrived in the mail (work­ing from home has its advan­tages).

From the time I heard a snip­pet about Dav­e’s new book on the Sur­vival Pod­cast sev­er­al weeks ago, I knew I want­ed to place an order.  Well, it just came, and I am going to start read­ing it this week, and will put up a review of it when I am through.  At first glance, it looks well doc­u­ment­ed, clean pic­tures, and is about 160 pages long.  The bonus, I turned the book over to see what might be on the back cov­er, and the book was auto­graphed by Dave!  Nice per­son­al touch, that, to me, says a lot about the man him­self.  He clear­ly appre­ci­ates the sup­port from his fans, and I like that in a per­son.

Thanks Dave, and I look for­ward to read­ing about the Pathfind­er phi­los­o­phy for the com­mon man.