by suburban | Aug 12, 2010 | Bug Out Vehicle, Personal
Ha. Just for fun, I want the CHEETAH by Force Protection, Inc. The Cheetah® is designed by Force Protection to achieve high protection levels in a small vehicle. The Cheetah’s size and agility make it ideal for reconnaissance, command and... Read more
by suburban | Aug 12, 2010 | Cooking, General, Personal
Well, I picked up a 12 pound turkey today. Looked up a brining recipe online, thawed it in water for about six or so hours, and now have it brining in the refrigerator for the next 48 hours. This is going to be an interesting experiment, as I need... Read more
by suburban | Aug 11, 2010 | Economy, Food, Personal
Well, I have to rant for a moment. I walked into a Walmart the other day, and honestly, I don’t like doing that. I went through the food section, thinking I would pick up a few items, and I was appalled. What happened to the prices there?... Read more
by suburban | Aug 10, 2010 | Dave Canterbury, Personal
Well, the bonus factor for the day is, that Dave Canterbury’s book, “The Pathfinder System, Survivability for the Common Man” just arrived in the mail (working from home has its advantages). From the time I heard a snippet about Dave’s new book... Read more
by suburban | Aug 3, 2010 | Personal
Well, I’ll be traveling on business this week, so my posts might be a little spotty, but I’ll try to remain consistent. I did pre write several posts just for this occasion, so I should be okay. Look out tomorrow for my post on the contents of my Bug Out... Read more
by suburban | Aug 3, 2010 | Gear, Personal
So, I should put out there, that sometimes when we go camping it is pseudo camping, in that a friend has a 5th wheel trailer on some property they own, have a well, electricity pumped in, and a couple of sheds with equipment and tools (axes, saws, etc.).... Read more