Prepperjim May 15 2011 Self Reliance Shelter Water Weather
I noted previously that a lady survived 49 days in the wilderness of Nevada. Today, I read a story of a man who was trapped in Oregon and died after approximately 60 days. McDonald, 68, liked to camp. While he didn’t have a lot of food, he had gallon... Read more
Prepperjim May 12 2011 Water Weather
On Monday, I read this incredible story of a woman surviving in the Nevada wilderness: For 49 days, Rita Chretien waited for a miracle. Her husband had ventured off to get help three days after their minivan got stranded off-road in the cold,... Read more
Prepperjim May 11 2011 But Out Bag EDC Gear Personal suburban survival Survival Gear Urban Survival
When I first began prepping, I put a tactical messenger bag on my Amazon Christmas list so that I could carry “stuff” around to be a “survivalist” if the “SHTF”. I am putting those words in quotation, because I had no idea at the time what stuff I needed... Read more
Prepperjim May 4 2011 Gear General Guns & Weapons Health Money Personal Psychology
“All Prepping and No Play, Makes Jim a Dull Boy” One downside to being a prepper is there is always something that needs doing to prepare for possible emergencies. People in your life may not share the same sense of urgency, to the point of being annoyed at... Read more
Prepperjim May 2 2011 Politics
As I went to bed without checking the news, I guess I was one of the last people in the world to learn of the death of Osama Bin Laden. As someone whose life-view was changed by 9/11, this is a momenteous event. Justice was slow but, in the end, final. For... Read more