Merry Christmas and Thank You

Thank you for help­ing me achieve some of my 2010 goals of becom­ing a more flu­ent prep­per, stu­dent, and teacher.  Thank you for tak­ing the time out of your day to read what I have to say.  It still amazes me. So, a very Mer­ry Christ­mas to... Read more

New Job

So, I have start­ed a new job this week, and find­ing that my per­son­al time is cut short due to ramp­ing up and get­ting set­tled, etc. You might find that there are few­er than nor­mal posts this week… Posts that are com­ing, how­ev­er are: - Mind­set of the Urban... Read more

December 7th, 1941…

Just a quick note to all, that today in 1941, the Japan­ese invad­ed Pearl Har­bor and our coun­try.  Please remem­ber the brave men and women that pro­tect­ed us in World War... Read more

Economically Challenged Television

While flip­ping though the chan­nels this evening, I came across a show called “Down­sized,” and iron­i­cal­ly to me, it was on the We chan­nel.  So here is what the show is about; The Bruce fam­i­ly is strapped for cash and $300 short on rent.  Fear­ing... Read more