
Well, this may have noth­ing to do with sub­ur­ban sur­vival, or sur­vival­ism as we define it in gen­er­al. But, I found out tonight, my neigh­bor in NJ died from can­cer.  She was old­er, yes.  But a very, very , very nice per­son.  She lived with her... Read more
Do You Like Us?

Do You Like Us?

Hey there, just a quick note from me, let­ting you know that I put up a Face­book fan page yes­ter­day, and hop­ing that you “Like” us.  If you do, please click here or go to the right of this page and click the like but­ton on Face­book.  I’ll be using that... Read more

A Note From “Suburban”

I’m read­ing a new book.  It’s very modi­va­tion­al, and it has me a bit pumped up.  It is cap­i­tal­iz­ing abit on social media trends, but makes a LOT of sense in oth­er areas.  So, this prompts me to write this post, which is much dif­fer­ent than... Read more