by suburban | Sep 8, 2011 | Bug In, Bug Out, Food, Personal, Preparedness, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
We talk an awful lot about how to rotate your canned, jarred, and other preps for freshness. We also talk a lot about storage, how to store, what to store, etc. Yesterday, I undertook a small job of repacking some of my “basic” preps. What are... Read more
by suburban | Jul 7, 2011 | Food, Health, Physical Fitness, Preparedness
While on and off my fitness kick this year, I have supplemented my daily diet with a morning protein shake mixed with fat free milk, water, ice, and various fruits that would mix with protein powders well. I have been on the quest for the perfect... Read more
by Prepperjim | May 18, 2011 | Food, Personal
In the survivalist and prepper community, this is a mantra often repeated. Like any mantra or simplified rule of thumb, it serves its purpose up to the point. While having simple rules to follow is often a good thing, the devil is in the details. For me,... Read more
by suburban | Apr 25, 2011 | Contests, Food
Welcome to the Family. To welcome them, we are running a contest to give away an 84 meal Grab & Go bucket of gourmet meals. What you will get from if you win is below, but first, here... Read more
by suburban | Mar 21, 2011 | Food, Preparedness
Sunday was an interesting day for me. I spoke to a friend of mine that lives about 20 minutes outside of Allentown, PA. He went to the grocery store as he always does on Sunday mornings. He is a man of routine. He picked up hes hand... Read more