While on and off my fit­ness kick this year, I have sup­ple­ment­ed my dai­ly diet with a morn­ing pro­tein shake mixed with fat free milk, water, ice, and var­i­ous fruits that would mix with pro­tein pow­ders well.  I have been on the quest for the per­fect pro­tein pow­der with no real suc­cess, although Mus­cle Milk, choco­late fla­vored pow­der wins thus far. It got me think­ing… Would pro­tein pow­ders and mix­es be a good prep item to keep in my sta­ple of food preps?  Going out on a limb and giv­ing it some thought, the answer I have is yes, for var­i­ous rea­son.

Here are a few rea­sons that I have come up with:

  1. I can add addi­tion­al pro­tein and fla­vor to meals such as oat­meal and baked goods.  It adds addi­tion­al fla­vor, and a scoop gives me “up to” my full dai­ly allowance of pro­tein, an essen­tial item if liv­ing off some of those veg­e­tar­i­an food preps.
  2. Pro­tein process­es through the body slow­er, so if you make a “choco­late milk/shake” or add it to food, it should help to curb your food crav­ings longer than with­out.
  3. Porta­bil­i­ty.  I can put it in a plas­tic zip-lock bag and take it with me if I want, and it weighs almost noth­ing.  I can have a meal sup­ple­ment with very lit­tle weight if I want to.
  4. Kept in a cool dry place, un-opened it has a long shelf life.  I am not sure how long.  Maybe two or three years.  I have nev­er test­ed it.  But, it is pow­dered, so I have to believe in a cool dry place you can get 2 — 3 years out of it.
  5. For what you get in a con­tain­er of whey pro­tein, it real­ly is not that expen­sive.  If you get 30 serv­ings out of the con­tain­er and the con­tain­er costs you $25.00 then a serv­ing costs you only $0.83.

Fact, there are only a cou­ple of pro­tein pow­der man­u­fac­tur­ers that I know of.  Every­one buys from them.  I like Mus­cle Milk because of the fla­vor.  How­ev­er, if price is an issue, you can look at the low­est cost con­tain­er and know you are not get­ting a bad prod­uct, but maybe made dif­fer­ent­ly than the oth­er brand.  So I look for things like “grams of pro­tein per scoop,” “calo­ries per scoop,” etc. and make my deci­sion from there.


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