Wel­come Ineed2Prepare.com to the SuburbanSurvivalBlog.com Fam­i­ly.  To wel­come them, we are run­ning a con­test to give away an 84 meal Grab & Go buck­et of gourmet meals.  What you will get from Ineed2Store.com if you win is below, but first, here are the para­me­ters of the con­test:

The con­test will run from Today, April 25th 2011 — Sun­day, May 1st, 2011 with the win­ner announced on Mon­day, May 2nd, 2011.

How do you enter?  Sim­ple.  In “Twit­ter for­mat,” in 140 char­ac­ters or less, fill out the Con­tact Us form here, with your con­tact infor­ma­tion.  In the descrip­tion area, in 140 char­ac­ters or less (what I like to call Twit­ter For­mat) tell us why you should win the Grab & Go buck­et.  Click Here to enter now.

As an FYI, this is a 179.00 val­ue that will get drop shipped to you by Ineed2Prepare.com

Below is a full descrip­tion of the prod­uct you will recieve:

Each durable, stack­able buck­et con­tains 84 serv­ings of deli­cious dried food. 84 serv­ings will feed 4 adults 3 serv­ings per day for 1 full week. Shelf life of up to 25 years!

These Wise Foods Grab and Go Food Kits are per­fect for any unplanned emer­gency, or for a quick meal when you’re in a hur­ry. Just add hot water, stir and let sit for about 10 min­utes. Don’t have hot water? No prob­lem, these meals will still rehy­drate, though you’ll have to wait a bit longer. Our ready-made meals are packed in air­tight, NITROGEN PACKED, Mylar pouch­es, and then encased in durable plas­tic con­tain­ers. Our unique pack­ag­ing process removes resid­ual oxy­gen through a nitro­gen flush giv­ing you a shelf life of up to 25 years.

Each buck­et con­tains the fol­low­ing entrees. Each entree is sealed in a mylar pouch. Entrees are 100% Veg­e­tar­i­an, using TVP rather than meat. Each pouch holds 4 serv­ings. Remem­ber, that each 84 serv­ing kit pro­vides 3 serv­ings a day for a week for 4 adults, or a 4 week sup­ply for 1 adult!

  • Chick­en Ala King (8 serv­ings)
  • Stroganoff (8 serv­ings)
  • Cheesy Lasagna (8 serv­ings)
  • Creamy Chick­en Pas­ta (8 serv­ings)
  • Cheesy Mac­a­roni (8 serv­ings)
  • Chick­en Teriya­ki (8 serv­ings)
  • South­west Bean and Rice (8 serv­ings)
  • Brown Sug­ar Oat­meal (12 serv­ings)
  • Hon­ey Glazed Gra­nola (8 serv­ings)
  • Mul­ti-Grain Cere­al (8 serv­ings)


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