An Ode to Liberty


In the land where the eagle soars high,
Beneath the vast and open sky,
We gath­er ’round with hearts so free,
To hon­or our land of lib­er­ty.

With grat­i­tude, we lift our gaze,
To the founders’ dreams, the ear­ly days,
When courage sparked a nation’s birth,
A bea­con of hope for all the earth.

Free­dom rings from sea to sea,
In this home of the brave, the land of the free,
Where voic­es blend in unity’s song,
And jus­tice stands, for­ev­er strong.

From the moun­tains to the plains,
Through sun­shine, snow, and sum­mer rains,
We cher­ish rights that bold­ly stand,
Craft­ed by wise and guid­ing hands.

Our Con­sti­tu­tion, firm and true,
A promise to the red, white, and blue,
That lib­er­ty and jus­tice reign,
And tyran­ny shall not remain.

On this day of stars and stripes,
We cel­e­brate our bound­less rights,
With fire­works that light the night,
In col­ors bold and spir­its bright.

For every sac­ri­fice that’s made,
For free­doms’ light that will not fade,
We thank the ones who came before,
Who carved this path, forever­more.

So let us raise our voic­es high,
In grat­i­tude beneath the sky,
For Amer­i­ca, the brave, the free,
A land of end­less lib­er­ty.

With hearts aglow, we stand as one,
In the land of the free, under the sun,
Grate­ful for each blessed day,
In the USA, where free­doms stay.


Copy­right 2024, Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival Blog and Dark Coun­cil Pro­duc­tions