Survival 49 Days

On Mon­day, I read this incred­i­ble sto­ry of a woman sur­viv­ing in the Neva­da wilder­ness:  For 49 days, Rita Chre­tien wait­ed for a mir­a­cle. Her hus­band had ven­tured off to get help three days after their mini­van got strand­ed off-road in the cold,... Read more

The Business of Survival, by an Anonymous Reader

Maybe it’s a case of life imi­tat­ing art. Maybe it’s just com­pa­nies tak­ing advan­tage of a pub­lic trend. Or, maybe it real­ly is a wave of fear sweep­ing the nation. What­ev­er “it” is ‘sur­vival’ today is becom­ing a big busi­ness! The sit­u­a­tion isn’t mere­ly... Read more
Introducing Guest Blogger “Prepper Jim”

Introducing Guest Blogger “Prepper Jim”

Please wel­come Prep­per Jim as a guest blog­ger… He will be pro­vid­ing some great infor­ma­tion from time to time, and I look for­ward to his posts here… So with­out fur­ther hes­i­ta­tion, please let me intro­duce, “Prep­per Jim.” Hi every­one. Please allow me to... Read more