Travel Preps

I recent­ly went on a trip to Chica­go so I thought a lot about my preps and what I could take with me. These are things I con­sid­ered: 1) Oper­a­tion Secu­ri­ty: I have a ten­dan­cy to post things on Face­book about my trips and places I vis­it. This time, I... Read more

Saturday Videos

Nav­i­ga­tion Equip­ment and Gad­gets Back­pack Load­out List: Moon­scape Adven­ture SHTF Cur­ren­cy — Urban Sur­vival Should You Buy Cop­per Rounds? FIRST AID & TRAUMA KITS: VR for... Read more

Saturday Videos

The Day the Dol­lar Died Indi­vid­ual First Aid Kit — A Must Have in a SHTF The ABC’s of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Going to the Field, Hygiene, Part II Going to the Field, Hygiene, Part III, Bar­gain... Read more